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What’s up with Bitcoin?

By Kevin Bourke

November 3, 2021

As it became apparent that Covid was going to lock things down for a prolonged period I determined to make use of this opportunity to continue my education. To that end I spent weeks taking online classes and watching educational webinars.

Perhaps the most impactful step I took was to answer the above question: What is up with bitcoin?

The New York Institute of Finance, founded in 1922 by the New York Stock Exchange, saw the need to educate Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) like myself on the topic of digital assets. Their response was to create an educational course leading to a certification in digital assets for RIAs. As of this writing this course is the only one of its kind.

They created an organization called RIADAC, which stands for Registered Investment Advisor Digital Assets Council. By taking courses offered by RIADAC, advisors could become more familiar and conversant with what digital assets, such as bitcoin, are and therefore be able to assist their clients in a more robust fashion.

I’m proud to share that I was the fourth advisor ever to achieve this milestone. (click here to view: )


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